Welcome to Meadow Mist Farm
"Back-to-the-Earth", Non-chemical Micro-farming with Health & Heart in Mind

What Makes Meadow Mist Special?

Meadow Mist Farm, is a family-run, chemical-free,
6 acre farm located in Lexington, MA that avoids the use of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, antibiotics, hormones or conventional fertilizers! We are a regenerative farm. With a deep reverence for nature and the integrated ecological circle of life, we lovingly raise and sell grass-fed beef, lamb, pastured chicken, cage-free fresh eggs, seasonal garden vegetables & berries (and so much more!)
Meadow Mist Farm's mission is to provide beautiful, good-for-you, pesticide-free food for families to make home-cooked meals. We produce grass-fed, grass-finished beef and lamb, and pasture-raised French breed chicken. During the growing season, we offer a wide variety of vegetables such as eggplant, tomatoes, kale, rainbow Swiss chard, zucchini, and sweet carrots to name a few. etc We also grow fruit like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and Asian pears.
In our farm store, you can find grains like og rice, beans, lentils peas, and milled ancient grain flour. We also carry pantry items; EVOO, balsamic vinegar condiments, and dried herbs and spices.
We encourage families to come to our pick-your-own farm to pick everything to bring home and make a beautiful pesticide-free meal to enjoy.
So that your visit to the farm can be more enjoyable click below to read more info.
Current Offerings
What's In Season?
Check out our From The Fields page to see what is growing and available right now.
Please contact Lauren via phone at (781) 354-5037 during Pick Your Own season (May through September) to ensure weather is conducive and enough produce is ripe and ready for purchase.
If you do not see your preferred produce in season, please visit our Farm Store to access additional food items we have in stock YEAR ROUND!
Important Notes from the Farm...
We are a small operation - please call us at 781.354.5037 (or email us via our CONTACT FORM) prior to visit or order pick-up to ensure we are available.
We love all animals, but to maintain safety for our farm animals, we kindly request no pups on farm premises!
Meadow Mist Farm was featured on the TV show Chronicle Boston on the topic of "Connecting to nature through art, music and community". Click now to watch the 3 minute segment!
We understand what food should be:
"Wholesome, seasonal, raised naturally, procured locally, prepared lovingly, and eaten with a profound reverence for the circle of life."
- Michael Pollen (The Omnivore's Dilemma)
© 2021 by Meadow Mist Farm