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Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have never heard of Meadow Mist Farm - how do I get there?
    Meadow Mist Farm is a true hidden gem of Lexington, MA - we are off the beaten path from the main road so we can understand the confusion on a first visit! We are located at 12 Bacon Street, Lexington, MA. To find us, travel down Marrett Road and depending which direction you arrive from, take a left (or a right) onto Bacon Street, which is a long gravel road (NOTE: be careful if you have a low set car as due to natural weather elements, deep holes/puddles develop which make for uneven driving conditions). Continue down the gravel road about 1/4 of a mile and look for signage on your left hand side for taking a turn to Meadow Mist. Follow the gravel driveway to a roundabout - if available, please park in one of the spots to the right-hand side where the open faced storage building is (a green industrial garbage bin is located in front of this storage building). When safely parked, call Lauren at (781) 354-5037 to let her know you have arrived!
  • Why does Meadow Mist refer to themselves as a "Non-chemical Farm" versus an "Organic Farm"?"
    Meadow Mist Farm is extremely proud of the traditional and sustainable farming methods that are used to grow some of the cleanest farm-to-table food in the local metrowest MA area. We have committed ourselves to farming approaches that avoid the use of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, hormones or conventional fertilizers. The term "organic" in the United States still allows for a range of crop/animal management substances to be utilized (and this list of "National Allowed & Prohibited Substances" is always being updated). Since absolutely no crop/animal growing additives are used at Meadow Mist Farm (and we rely on only on crop coverings, crop rotation and onsite life-cycled composting) we label ourselves a "Non-chemical Farm".
  • Does Meadow Mist offer "Pick-your-Own" fruits or vegetables?"
    Yes! We love sharing the bounty of our lovingly grown fruits and vegetabels when they are in season! Please visit our "Pick-Your-Own" page for details on what is in season, average range of pricing and to schedule your visit to pick your own delicious food!
  • Why is pricing for produce and meat higher at Meadow Mist than my local grocery store?
    There are a number of factors that play into the seasonal changes of pricing for the highest quality and most natural foods that Meadow Mist Farm produces. Some of the key components of pricing come from the following: Current cost of crop/packaging supplies (ex: sheet covers/glass jars) & farm feed (ex: quality hay for lambs/cows) Yearly cost of irrigation water Crop yield (highly weather dependent -> lower crop yield = higher pricing) Manual labor for harvesting (we hand pick, process and package ALL of our crops! No equipment is used) Meat processing vendor costs (Fuel + Time + Processing) Highest quality health lineage of crop seeds and animals (read more about our mindful choice of chicken and lamb lineages HERE) As you can see from all of the factors above, we place a lot of love AND labor into the food processing at our farm - it makes for a true "farm-to-table" experience for those who seek the cleanest local food options. We hope you experience the same excitement of buying, cooking and eating produce and meats that are raised with deep reverence for nature and the integrated ecological circle of life.
  • Why do Meadow Mist Farm eggs and chicken meat taste SO GOOD!
    There are two types of chickens that are raised at Meadow Mist Farm - egg laying hens and meat chickens. The chickens at Meadow Mist Farm are truly special - from their unique lineage to what they are fed for their daily meals, the difference is clear when you eat the eggs and meat from our farm. The meat chickens we raise are specifically from the Brittany and Burgandy regions of France. These chicken types have won the highest culinary awards over the years. They are slow growing birds which is important for two reasons... Slow growth allows for appropriate muscle mass which makes the final meat taste better Slow growth offers a more healthy standard of life while on the farm (unlike modified bred fast-growing birds which causes health issues and a lower quality of daily life for chickens as they mature) Major food suppliers are starting to recognize the negative aspects of these traditionally used fast-growing birds (which allow for cheaper pricing) and are now seeking to phase back in the slow-growth bird stocks (you can learn more about this anticipated transition on the NPR segment featured HERE). We are proud that Meadow Mist has been ahead of the curve with responsible chicken farming for 20+ years! Our egg laying hens are fed a daily diet which consists of a mix of farm grown alfalfa, bean sprouts, pasture grass, and the cleanest organic grain feed. This translates into eggs with yolks of the highest nutritional content (and delicious taste!) Interested in securing a weekly pick-up of our top quality eggs or to purchase a whole, recently processed chicken for cooking? Visit our SHOP PAGE for more details!
  • Does Meadow Mist have Pick-your-own strawberries, blueberries (insert other produce type here) in the Winter months?"
    Meadow Mist Farm follows the natural seasonal cycles, so we only provide pick-your-own when fruits and vegetables are actually in season. You can download our seasonal growing schedule HERE. While pick-your-own may not be available during the New England winter months, we do have lots of other packaged and jarred items made from our freshest seasonal fruits, vegetables, meats and herbs! Eggs are available year round. Visit our SHOP PAGE to see what is currently in stock!
  • Can I purchase a whole or half section of beef or sub-cuts of chicken?
    Meadow Mist only offers meat purchase in the following ways: Beef/Lamb --> Sub-cuts of meat only (no full or half livestock purchases available) Chicken --> Whole chicken purchase only (no sub-cuts available) Please visit our SHOP PAGE to see price ranges and then contact Lauren via phone or at our CONTACT PAGE to inquire of current inventory available (along with pricing details for your requested cut of meat).
  • Does Meadow Mist Farm offer a yearly CSA (Consumer Supported Agriculture) program?
    Meadow Mist currently only offers a quarterly Egg CSA and not a produce or meat CSA. Our Egg CSA is reset on a quarterly basis. To inquire of opening availability for the next quarter, please contact Lauren via our CONTACT PAGE to inquire about details.
  • Does Meadow Mist currently host birthday parties or guided team building events?
    Meadow Mist is a privately owned farm that is run by Lauren and a few local volunteers, so we currently do not have the resources to support programming such as children's birthdays and/or formalized team building programming. We do currently partner with local school administrators for daytime visits and educational programming - please contact Lauren via our CONTACT PAGE for more details!
  • What makes Meadow Mist tomatoes (and jarred tomato sauce) so amazing?
    Meadow Mist tomatoes are a specialized type called San Marzano tomatoes - the finest tomato from Italy (particularly matched for sauces and pizza making). San Marzano tomatoes first originated in Naples, Italy. They are not just a staple in our family’s recipes, but are considered to be the best tomatoes in the world to use in sauces! These tomatoes are set apart from others because of their rich, sweet flavor and lower acidity. We also make sauce from Heirloom Tomatoes and Yellow Tomatoes as well. Check out our SHOP PAGE to schedule a purchase/pick-up of this season's batch of delicious Meadow Mist Farm Tomato Sauce!

Get in touch with
any questions


12 Bacon Street

Lexington, MA 02421


(781) 354-5037 or

Send us a message: CONTACT US

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  • Meadow Mist Instagram

Our Hours
Mon - Sat 9AM - 5PM
Sun 10:30AM - 5:30PM


All sales for eggs, meats, and "pick your own" produce cannot be returned or exchanged due to food safety concerns.


Farm store products such as jams and grains cannot be returned after opening them.


In all cases, returns or refunds are strictly at the discretion of Meadow Mist Farm.


Thank you for your understanding!

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© 2021 Meadow Mist Farm

Website Managed by sizzle&STEM Media

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