Share Your Time & Talents with Meadow Mist!
As a private, family-run micro-farm, we rely on volunteers who are as passionate about "back-to-the-earth" non-chemical farming as we are, in order to keep the seasonal cycle of nature's bounty thriving!
Meadow Mist Farm is a great place to volunteer and learn new skills! We work every day and are always in need of extra hands.
Work may include:
​Help with crops
Processing food
Help with animals (cleaning, feeding, etc.)
Labeling packaged products & Inventory counts
Interacting with customers
If you are interested in getting your hands dirty or learning about what goes into your food, please contact us!
I Want To Volunteer! SIGN UP HERE
or Call Us: (781) 354-5037​
We look forward to meeting you!
"The healing of the land and the purification of the human spirit
is the same process."
- Masanobu Fukuoka
When you buy from local farms you are:
Supporting the local economy
Preserving rural landscapes
Conserving open space
Connecting with the sources of your food
Eating fresher food products
Saving transportation costs
Conserving fossil fuels
Helping preserve crop diversity
Supporting farm families